Jaew Jai Rai Gub Khun Chai Tevada
- Title: Jaew Jai Rai Gub Khun Chai Tevada
- Also known as: แจ๋วใจร้าย กับ คุณชายเทวดา
- Duration: 19 Episodes
- Genre: Comedy
- Popularity: top rated
- Air time: Fri-Sat-Sun @ 8:30PM
- Broadcast network: Channel 7
- Broadcast period: Apr. 17, 2009 - May 29, 2009
- Theme song: "Len Kong Soong" by Big Ass
"Ouy Ouy" by Ben Chalatid
Production Credits
- Producer: Add info here
- Director: Peerapon Thienjarern
- Screenwriter: Panatee
- Company Name: Polyplus
- Pae Arak Amornsupasiri as Khunnoochai
- Aum Patcharapa Chaichue as Jaew
- Au Panu Suwanno as Yai-Ekburut
- Bee Martika as Nonglek-Naree
- Zugus Buntawit Thrakulpanit as Seur
- Nathalie Nattarinee Jiarawanon as Pat
- Phonganan Wansithidej as Fu
- Sararat Roomreungwong as Dujdao
- Roongkarnda Benjamaporn as Waew
- Thin Sethachoke as Chatchawarn
- Piroj Sangwariboot as Singh
- Ball Chernyim as Berm
- Gamboom Pimnipa Jittateeraroj as Yingnui
- Pissamai Wilaisak as Nomjaem
- Phanya Sitsethakul as Pim
- Pattarawat Narkwilairoj as Cherdsak
- Nareumol Sithimeng as Krataire
- Surasak Khemkao as Noang
Jaew works in a park and is guiding tourists Jaew's grandmother is The Nanny in a noble family that Jaew never met. One day she falls down the stair and brakes her leg real bad. When Jaew visits her Grandmother in the hospital her Granny is worried sick over her Khun Noo and makes Jaew promiss that she will take Grannys place and take care of Khun Noo as she calls him. She takes a motorbike taxi to the famiily, On the way they make a stop to try to find their way and is almost run over by a careless motorbike driver and fall down. The driver gets hurt and Jaew gets furious. She lends the Taxibike and follow the careless driver only to discover that he is going to the same adress she is, she follows him all the way into the house and the "fight" begins.
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