Ummarin Nitiphon
From ShareRice Wiki (AFN)
- Name: Ummarin Nitiphon
- Nickname: Um
- Profession: Actor, Singer, MC
- Date of birth: May 30, 1969
- Birthplace: Delete this and Fill in here
- Height: Delete this and Fill in here
- Star sign: Delete this and Fill in here
- Blood type: Delete this and Fill in here
- Marital Status: Married to Joy and have one daughter, Ally Achiraya Nitibhon.
- Hobbies: Golf and racecar
- Education:
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About (Delete this and Add name/nickname)
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- Sarmwai Kub Ai Jok (1997) (Ch.5 1997) with Aom Phiyada Akarasenee
- Petch Tud Petch 2001 with Kalyakorn Naksomphob
- Haat Hansa with Pok Piyatida Woramusik
- Yar Bang Cup Hai Kha Yai (Ch.3 2004) with Benz Pornchita Na Songkhla
- Poo Yai Lee Kub Nang Ma with Natharika Thamapreedanan
- Roy Ruk Roy Barp (Ch.7 2009) with Jieb Sopitnapa Chumpanee
- Seub Suan Puan Ruk (2010) (Ch.3 2010)
- Suepsuan Puan Kamlang 3 (Ch.3 2011)
- Kor Kerd Mai Klai Klai Ter (OneHD 2020)
- Kaew Lerm Korn (2021) (OneHD 2021)
- Keun Ruk Salub Chata (Ch.3 2021)
- Game Rak Game Payabaht (PPTV HD 2021)
- 55:15 Never Too Late (Ch.GMM25 2021)
- Bad Beauty (OneHD 2022)
- Mongkut Karma with Ann Siriam Pakdeedumrongrit (Ch.8 2022)
- Fah Tan Tawan (Amarin HD 2022)
- The Three GentleBros (GMM25 2022)
- 10 Years Ticket (GMM25 2022)
- Sapai Sai Strong (Ch.3 2023)
- Duangjai Jom Krabi (ONEHD 2023)
- Bunga Sari (OneHD 2023)
- Ruean Chadanang (Ch.8 2023)
- Beauty Newbie with Jieb Sopitnapa Chumpanee (GMM25 2024)
- Dala Bupha Khattakam (Netflix 2025)
Dream Team (2008)
Album & Soundtracks
- Leuum Ta Ma
- Thailand I Love You
- Pla Saa
- Ni Rat Rawk
- Um Umm Ummm
- Khaawng Khuen
- Udomsuk
- OST Petch Tad Petch
- OST Yah Bung Kup Kah Hai Yai
- Awards Awards
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- Umm Entertainment
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